Saturday, 21 January 2012

Day 1

Today I inserted all of the text and images into my double page spread. I have also made some changes. These are as follows:
  • I have decided to change some of the fonts around. The heading and main body of text shall now be Arial as I felt OCR A Std made the article look messy and unprofessional.
  • I have also decided to change the font size of the lead paragraph to 15pt.
  • I now intend to use two extra images of Twitter birds in my double page spread. These will be placed in the bottom right hand corner of the article. I will apply a transparency effect on them so I can place them behind the text.
  • After looking at the background of my article, I have decided that just having the blue background is a bit boring. I have therefore decided that I will make the background a blue and white gradient. This will make the spread look more modern and suitable for my target audience.

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