Friday, 23 March 2012

Teacher Consultation

After a short consultation with our teacher, we have decided to do the following to our documentary to improve it:

  • Only include 2-3 questions in the interview with Mr Parker. We will choose the most relevant questions and only include them. The questions will be replaced with an interview with a teenage victim of cyber bullying and a new presenter link to introduce it. This will help our audience to relate to the documentary and engage their interest.
  • The interview and new presenter link will be filmed on 26th March at 9am. (Location recces and risk assessments can be found here) The interview will be filmed in a bedroom at the victims house. We have decided to do this as it is an intimate setting and will show how scared and nervous cyber bullying has made the victim. Whilst filming we will make sure we use a variety of camera shots. We will also make sure we are careful whilst selecting the mise-en-scene and low key lighting. (Storyboards can be found here and technical lighting diagrams can be found here). We have also requested to the victim that they wear casual clothes and a white jacket. This will help show the audience that they were an innocent teenager and that cyber bullying can happen to anyone. The presenter will also be dressed in casual clothes so the audience can relate to them.
  • We will also blur our victims face to protect their identity.
[Update 27/3/12- We did this by using the Gaussian Blur tool and video layers. We applied two layers of the same clip over each other, then applied the Gaussian Blur to the top layer. We then cropped this layer to only fit over the victims face.]

    • Make all of the transitions between the footage fades so it's consistent throughout.
    • Adjust the voice over audio levels as some are slightly louder than others. We will do this by putting them on different levels and adjusting the volume accordingly.
    • Cut the music before the presenter starts talking, as this should be the natural end to the background music. 
    • Apply a more appropriate effect to the 'dark side of FaceBook' frame.
    [Update 27/3/12- We did this by applying a dip to black transition on the end of the FaceBook frame. A black and white version of the FaceBook frame was then brought into shot.] 
    • We also suggested applying an 'end of part 1' title. However, we soon realised this would be inappropriate for our product as it is going to be shown on BBC 3. BBC programming has no commercial advert breaks as it is funded through license fees.
    • Include cutaway footage during the interview with Mr Parker.
    • Refilm library and Manshead drive presenter link. These will be filmed on 24/3/12.
    [Update 25/3/12- We have successfully refilmed the library presenter link. However, due to the weather we were unable to successfully refilm the Manshead drive presenter link and the footage we filmed was of poor quality. We tried to adjust the audio on Adobe Sound Booth so the wind wouldn't be as noticeable. However, as the wind was persistent throughout the clip, even with the dead cat microphone cover we used, we couldn't do this. We have therefore decided to keep the old presenter link.]

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