Tuesday 27 September 2011

About Documentaries

(If the Prezi doesn't work, please view the Slideshare presentation below.)

  1. Suite 101 The History of Documentary Films Website Malene Soegaard 11/8/09 http://malene-soegaard.suite101.com/the-history-of-documentary-films-a147560 23/9/11
  2. NY Times The Hidden Cost of Documentaries Website Nancy Ramsey 16/10/05 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/16/movies/16rams.html 23/9/11
  3.  Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Videos Book Alan Rosenthal 2002
  4. The Independent Is this a golden age for documentaries? Website 15/12/08 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/tv-radio/is-this-a-golden-age-for-documentaries-1066699.html 26/9/11

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