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Our documentary will be a current affairs documentary and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites like Twitter, FaceBook and MySpace. We will aim to answer the question, 'Is social networking a good thing or a bad thing?' It will highlight and raise awareness of the dangers which have arisen from the recent popularity of these sites and what can be done to prevent users from getting into dangerous or harmful situations. However it will also consider all the positive outcomes which have arisen in recent years due to these sites and what affects it has had on different audiences and industries. The aim of the documentary will be to inform the viewers of the positive and negative outcomes of social networking sites so they are more aware when using them. We decided to choose this topic as it is very current and affects a lot of people.
In our documentary there will be a presenter who will conduct the interviews and will present the audience with information through voice-overs. Onscreen statistics will also be shown to reinforce this. Each part of the documentary will cover a different danger or positive outcome due to social networking. This will make sure that the audience isn't overwhelmed with information and to make sure that all sides of the argument is being discussed. Specialist speakers and interviewees will also comment on these different aspects.
So the audience members of our program are able to interact with each other, we will start a trend on Twitter using the hash-tag key (#) so they can talk about the show amongst themselves. For instance, '#[name of documentary].' This will be displayed at the start of the program. We will use this as an experiment during the show to see how much social networking is used when someone suggests to use it. The documentary will return to statistics at the end of the documentary. Experiments are something which our audience wanted in our documentary.
So the audience members of our program are able to interact with each other, we will start a trend on Twitter using the hash-tag key (#) so they can talk about the show amongst themselves. For instance, '#[name of documentary].' This will be displayed at the start of the program. We will use this as an experiment during the show to see how much social networking is used when someone suggests to use it. The documentary will return to statistics at the end of the documentary. Experiments are something which our audience wanted in our documentary.
We have decided that the style of the documentary will be a combination of seriousness and humour presented in an informal, laid-back style. We have decided to do this because humour is something our target audience wanted to see more in documentaries. They would be deterred by a documentary which was extremely serious so by combining it with a sense of informality it will appeal to them. We will do this by presenting the positive outcomes in a laid back style to create a humorous tone. We will then be serious when discussing the negatives so it has the maximum impact on the audience. As we are covering a modern issue, we will be include modern background music and a modern typeface/graphics. This will make our documentary look modern and interesting.
We have decided that our documentary will be distributed by the BBC. We will aim to have it specifically distributed by BBC3 as it is both unbiased and is aimed at a similar target audience to that of our documentary.
This is a video of Jasmine and myself presenting our pitch:
We have decided that our documentary will be distributed by the BBC. We will aim to have it specifically distributed by BBC3 as it is both unbiased and is aimed at a similar target audience to that of our documentary.
This is a video of Jasmine and myself presenting our pitch:
(By Emily Keens & Jasmine Robson)
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