Wednesday 26 October 2011

Codes & Conventions

After looking at two double page spreads I have identified the features that must be included in a double page spread to make it successful.

  • Outside comments/quotes from cast, crew or critics to make the views expressed authentic. 
  • House style with colours and text fonts which complement each other and grab the reader’s attention. 
  • By line which says who wrote the article at either the beginning or end of the article. 
  • A reminder to the reader when the program will be airing to make them aware in case they didn't know. 
  • Website information about where to find out more information
  • Interesting and engaging heading. 
  • Introductory paragraph to engage the reader’s attention and to summarize what the article is about. This is also name as the 'lead paragraph.'
  • Pictures which relate to the program which have captions underneath to help the reader understand what’s going on. 
  • Page numbers and the name of the magazine at the bottom of the page. 
  • Language and tone which has been tailored to suit the target audience of the article.
  • Drop capitals at the beginning of the article.
  • Quotes pulled out of from the text.
  • The use of serif fonts to allow the text to be read easily once printed.
  • Boxes with facts and statistics in.
  • Margins of: top- 12.7mm, bottom- 18.3mm, inside- 13mm and outside- 3.5mm.

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