Friday 21 October 2011

Location Recce & Risk Assessment: Location 3

This is the location recce and risk assessment we carried out at our first location, Mr Parker's office at Manshead Upper School.

Location: Manshead Upper School- Mr Parker's office.
Date of visit: 18/10/11
Description of scene to be filmed here: We intend to film the interview with Mr Parker at this location.

Lighting level: There's a good level of lighting at this location due to the large window and the ceiling lights.
Noise level: The noise level at this location is very low.
Potential hazards: There is only one main hazard at this location. This is the computer in the room.
Overall suitability: This location is suitable for this scene as it creates the impression that our interviewee is professional and is an authority figure.

When testing the suitability of the location we noticed a few hazards which may cause problems for us during filming. We have therefore created a risk assessment to see how we can prevent problems from arising.

(By Emily Keens & Jasmine Robson)

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