Monday 7 November 2011

Similar Products

I have deconstructed two newspaper adverts to see what the generic codes and conventions they include are. I will also be able to see what works well and what doesn't so I can make my own advert successful. The first advert is taken from The Daily Mail and advertises Portugal as a holiday destination. The second advert is taken from The Daily Star and advertises Star Bingo. I couldn't find any adverts for TV programmes in the newspapers I looked at but by looking at these adverts I should still be able to understand how adverts work.

I have also looked at a documentary film advert to see what sort of imagery is conventional of documentary advert. This advert would not be featured in a newspaper. This documentary film is about the food industry in America.

After looking at both newspaper adverts and documentary adverts, I will now be able to combine elements of the two to create a documentary newspaper advert.

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