Monday 7 November 2011

Target Audience Research: Questions

Today I asked 10 16-19 year olds to find out more about their expectations of my product and what their current consumption habits of newspaper adverts are like. These are the questions I asked them:

1. Do you read newspapers?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

2. What newspapers do you read?
  • Daily Mirror
  • The Sun
  • The Guardian
  • The Times
  • Daily Mail
  • Other (please state_______)

3. Do you look at the adverts featured in newspapers? If not, why?
  • Yes 
  • Sometimes
  • No (reason:__________________)

4. If a documentary had an interesting advert, would you watch it? If not, why wouldn't you?
  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No (reason:___________________)

5. What draws your attention to adverts?
  • Interesting images
  • Catchy slogan
  • Bright colour scheme
  • Quotes from reviews
  • Other (please state______________)

A selection of the completed questionnaires.

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